Jillian Morris - Author
Author Jillian Morris is the founder and president of Sharks4Kids, which she started in 2012. After studying animal behavior at The University of New England, Jillian traveled around the world working on various shark research projects including Western Australia and the Bahamas. Combining her passion for photography with her science background, she has written, filmed and photographed for magazines and television channels.
Sean Branigan - Illustrator
Illustrator Sean Branigan has been an animator in Film and Television for over 20 years, working on a wide variety of commercials, television series, and major feature films. He has a love of travel, motorcycles, and collecting books, although this will be his first venture into the printed world. Sean now lives with his partner Emma in Toronto, and whilst illustrating this book were expecting their own little shark pup.
Duncan Brake - Designer and Illustrator
Designer and Illustrator Duncan Brake is an award-winning cinematographer who has filmed for the BBC, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and more. After graduating with a marine biology degree, Duncan honed his filming skills while working in Antarctica and the Bahamas.
Duncan is the media director for Sharks4Kids.
Melissa Williams - Editor
Editor Melissa Williams is a reading teacher, writing instructor, and school librarian living along the Maine seascoast with her husband and two little girls. In her spare time, she likes to write, run, and take long hikes. She firmly believes that, as Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “All good things are wild and free,”
like sharks!
Dr. Jeffrey Carrier - Editor
Editor Dr. Jeffrey Carrier is a marine biologist who received his Ph.D, from the University of Miami and studied the biology of nurse sharks for many decades. He has written and edited five books and numerous articles for scientific literature and magazines. He continues to work on nurse sharks in the Florida Keys.